The Parc du Mont-Comi’s patrol is a 15 to 20 vulunteers group that owned a mountain first aid formation.
The Patrol is interceding with users, giving assistance and, as needed, giving first aid care. The patrol is also intervening to aware users with different security angles in the area developped for skiing as ski slope conditions, difficulty level in relation with the person’s experience level, make a reminder of the behavior code on mountain, etc. It is also responsible of the penalty applications as regards of non-respect of the code.
To join the Patrol (if any question or to join the ranks), communicate by phone at 418-739-4858 extension 102 (during the summer) or extension 117 (during the winter), or by e-mail [email protected].
Parc du Mont-Comi
300, chemin du Plateau
Saint-Donat-de-Rimouski (Québec)
G0K 1L0
Phone.: 418-739-4858
No charge : 1-866-739-4859
Telecommunication : 418-739-5022
Email : [email protected]